Friday, August 8, 2008

My Little Brother

So my cousin beat me to it... she's a more experienced blogger I guess and it didn't take her as long as me to get organized and write everything down. But go here and check out her story of my little bro Jordan.. (and yes, he'll always be my little bro even though he's bigger than me now!)

I can't really beat that! She summed it up perfectly. A modern day hero. Someone I can look up to. And a good role model for my son. I'd be pleased as punch if Blayne turned out like him -better like Jordan than like me! =) And the cool thing is that I love hanging out with him! And I sorta think he likes chillin' with his sis a little. When he was younger and I was a teenager (translation: when I was a punk all the time) he told mom one day that I wasn't in his love chain anymore. Or his love circle. Or something like that. But then as I got older (and less punk-like) and he got older we had this cool relationship. We could talk all the time. He liked hanging out with me again. I got put back on the love chain (or circle) and at one point was at the very top! We would stay up late chatting about school and girls and friends and whatever. When I went off to college of course things changed a little but we've managed to stay close. Despite me getting married too! He told me that the one thing he wasn't looking forward to after I got married was that we probably wouldn't chat as much and hang out anymore and that our relationship would change. But I tried really hard not to let that happen and I don't think it has. I mean, we don't talk all the time but that's mostly cause he's always doing stuff! He's been a busy kid for the past couple of years what with all the music, voice, piano, school, girls, etc he had going on. And I don't expect things will slow down for him now. But we talk semi-regularly and whenever we do get together there's normally at least one late night chat.

So he's off to college now, officially. Mom and Dad left him in Virgina this morning! He'll be going to Liberty University and majoring in Contemporary Music (or something like that). I'm so proud of him and can't wait to see where he ends up!

Michael and I were able to be in Sebring for his farewell concert - he did SUCH a great job! He played beautifully, sang beautifully and I was especially impressed with the song that he wrote. He's totally gonna be famous one day!! =) Here are a few pics:


Spencer Girl said...

Well, I summed up "Jordan's Story" but your description of your relationship with him was equally moving. And I'm glad you got put back in the Love Chain...or Square...or Circle...whatever. Can't wait to see you guys again-Blayne's too cute!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your story about Jordan. He is one of the most amazing people I know and I have said NUMEROUS times that I couldn't be happier if Trent turned out like him :)