Tuesday, December 13, 2011

One of my favorite faces in the whole world. And this is his, "No, you're trickin'" face. As in "Hey Blayne, how bout we don't go play outside, lets just go take a looooong nap." To which he replies, "Noooooo, you're trickin'..... Right?!?" I love it! I say crazy things all day long just to get him to make this face so I can smooch it. =)

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Who's that rock star getting his teeth cleaned?? That would be Blayne (no autographs please) who already has loose teeth!! As in plural!! He's so excited. I'm a little bummed that my boy is big enough for all this. On the plus side, they still may not fall out for months. Whew!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

How we spend our afternoons... Sawyer chilling in the yard while Blayne rides his bike. Talk about perfect! It's days like this that make me so grateful that I can stay home with my boys. =)