Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Yes, it's been ahwhile. I know, I know. I'm slacking. But I just haven't come up with any bloggable material lately... And I've still got nothing really. So I just thought that instead I'd put some of my fav pics of Blayne from the past few months.... Enjoy!!

So this is him eating Mac n' Cheese. Looks pretty good huh?? Especially since you can see practially down his throat!! At least he's happy about it though!

Me & Blayners at a cabin in N. Georgia. We went on a little retreat with our small group (which was awesome!) and our cabin was by a lake. We went for a little walk one morning (to get him out of the house while every one was sleeping) and Sean snapped this pic.

This one's kinda funny - I don't know why he was smiling like this! I kept trying to get a pic and I would tell him to say "cheese!" and this is the face I got. =)

After his first haircut, at Disney World! How cute is he?!?!?!

What a Rock Star!! He was playing Guitar Hero (and kicking booty too) and he HAD to have his glasses on and he just looked so stinkin' cute! He's totally gonna be in a band one day - he's got the look down. Plus I love the binky. =)

Mother's Day Morning - Sean took Blayne so I could sleep in (I love him!) and then after a couple hours, they came in to wake me up and this is what I saw! Sean said they were coloring with Blayne's markers and then he decided to draw a monster on Blayne's belly. And then Blayne tried to help. But then he gave up and just ate the markers instead. =)

Pretty self explanatory... Blayne LOVES being thrown up in the air and Sean LOVES throwing him around! =) You can't really see it but he's laughing hysterically.

He also loves yogurt, obviously. He doesn't believe in spoons when eating yogurt however. So he just tips the whole container or bowl or whatever up and slurps it down. This is the result.

Blayne and Ely pickin up chicks. =)

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Coffee Anyone??

So the Humphrey family is a family of coffee drinkers. All three of us! One morning a few weeks ago, Sean and I were having our morning cup o' joe and Blayne started asking for some. I couldn't give him any of mine ('cause it's too hiyoo) so we made him his very own cup of coffee. Mostly vanilla soy milk with a couple teaspoons of coffee mixed in. In a real coffee mug no less! And he sat right down on the couch with us, grabbed a book and sat there drinking his coffee and reading! It was the cutest thing!! You could tell he thought he was so stinkin' big. Here are a few pics we took...

So now every couple of days, he'll remember that he likes coffee and him and I or all three of us (if Sean's not at school) will sit around and start the day off together. =)

Monday, July 14, 2008

What'd he say?!?!

Since it seems as though Blayne is learning a new word pretty much every day I thought I could take a moment to list exactly what it sounds like he's saying and then what it means. Here we go!!!

DeeDah = Daddy
He might be dyslexic or something cause he reverses the syllables but it's adorable!! =)

Mamma or MeeMee = Mommy
When I'm around him it's normally Mamma, but when I talk to him on the phone he says, "MeeMee!!" I love hearing that!!

Heyoo = Hi You!
He says that first thing in the morning or whenever he sees you throughout the day (even if he just saw you 2 seconds ago). Not to be confused with the next one...

Hiyoo = hot
I think this started at Michael and Amy's when they would have a fire going in their awesome fire pit or when Michael would grill something for dinner. We would tell him it's "FIRE" and it's "HOT." Somehow those got combined to be "hiyoo" and it now applies to anything that is hot (including ovens and food), not just fire.

Iluhyoo = I love you
Very cute. And now if you ask him "Hey, Blayne, you know what?" he'll say "iluhyoo!" Or if you say it, he normally says it back.

ffflllllllaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh = Flag
He loves flags (I don't know why) and gets quite excited when he see one. You would think that after seeing a million flags and owning about 10 the excitement might wear off a bit but so far, he still yells ffflllllaaaaahhhh about 50 times a day! Sean and I have gotten into the habit of pointing out flags when we're driving and I've found myself yelling out "flag" a few times when Blayne's NOT in the car...

Teetsie = Pete'
His favorite dog. He hardly ever says "Teetsie" without using the following phrase...

Wheeaaaaahhhhhyoooo = Where are you??
So he walks around a lot saying, "ooooohhh teeeeeetsie" (in a very high pitched voice), "wheeaaaaahhhhhyoooo??" whenever he want to give him a treat or scratch him or just because. In the book, Go Dog Go, there is a dog that looks like Pete' and we always have to stop reading and call for Teetsie. =)

agiin = again
After reading a book that he likes, he asks to hear it again (often multiple times in a row) or if you do something really funny and he wants you to do it again.

shooos shooos = shoes
When I tell him that it's time to go or ask if he wants to go outside, he goes to get his shoes for me and then un-velcros them so I can put them on for him. The other day we were headed over to Amy's and to get him motivated I asked if he wanted to go see Ely and
he ran over to get his shoes and brought them to me! He sure does love his cousins!

BahBahBah = bath, bath, bath
Pretty self explanatory. I should probably note that he got that from his cousins, that's how they say bath too!!

SponsBahBahBahBah = SpongeBob SqarePants
His favorite TV show!! He'll ask to watch it first thing in the morning and at various times throughout the day. Oh and his Grandma Humphrey just make him an awesome pillow with SpongeBob AND Patrick AND Bubbles all over it!! He loves it! Which reminds me...

BahBoh = Bubble
He likes bubbles too!

Various names such as:
PopPop = PopPop =)
Ammaa = Gramma
Eemmee = Amy (and sounds a lot like MeeMee actually...)
Ely = Ely
Te-than = Ethan
Te-thoo = Hannah (Hannah and I have decided that he's really saying princess in another language cause she's such a princess)
Le-chi-al (or something like that) = Michael
saldkfj ladsjf = Natalie (I'm not sure how to phonetically spell out what he calls Natalie but he does call her the same thing every time so HE knows what he's talking about!)
Em = Grandma H (we're still working on that one)
Andad = Grandad H

He also knows his eyes (eyee), ears (eeuuhh), nose (noosssee), mouth (mouf), hair (heyuh) and teeth (teeefff). He's so stinkin smart already!! Welp that's all I can think of for now... it changes pretty much daily though so I'm sure he'll be saying all new things by tomorrow...

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Trip to Savannah

So I'm a little behind on my blogging... we went to Savannah LAST weekend. But I just got around to uploading all the pics so that's what took so long! Anyhoo, we went to visit Sean's family in Savannah - it was his Mom's 60th Birthday on Saturday! Blayne had a great time hanging out with his grandparents getting to play with his cousin Ashlynn. Sean's parents built an awesome playground in their backyard and Blayne loved it! Then him and Ashlynn went swimming and had a lot of fun. He got to hang out with Uncle Joel and Aunt Bethany too! All in all we had great weekend - here are some pics!!

Blayne on the swing!!

Ashlynn and Bethany

Ashlynn and Blayne chillin' in the pool

Ashlynn Rose

Blayne with his Grandad

Ashlynn & Blayne