Tuesday, July 28, 2009


So it wasn't exactly "later tonight or tomorrow" when I posted this but oh well. Here they are - pics of the veggies that we grew and the awesome (if I do say so myself) food that came from them.

#1 - Squash
This one looks like a little duck I think
And then you just slice 'em up, add some olive oil and some spices and saute and viola!

#2 Eggplant

So I forgot to take pictures of the before eggplant but here is the Eggplant Parmesean that I made. And boy was it good!! Blayne even liked it!
Frying the eggplant...
Fried eggplant...
Layered with sauce and lots of cheese...Cooking...Ta Dah!! The finished product.

So far that's all I've cooked with our veggies but I'm sure we'll have more awesome food in the next few weeks. Can't wait!

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