Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Coffee Anyone??

So the Humphrey family is a family of coffee drinkers. All three of us! One morning a few weeks ago, Sean and I were having our morning cup o' joe and Blayne started asking for some. I couldn't give him any of mine ('cause it's too hiyoo) so we made him his very own cup of coffee. Mostly vanilla soy milk with a couple teaspoons of coffee mixed in. In a real coffee mug no less! And he sat right down on the couch with us, grabbed a book and sat there drinking his coffee and reading! It was the cutest thing!! You could tell he thought he was so stinkin' big. Here are a few pics we took...

So now every couple of days, he'll remember that he likes coffee and him and I or all three of us (if Sean's not at school) will sit around and start the day off together. =)

1 comment:

Cathy said...

It just doesn't get any cuter!!!!