Here are a few more of the pictures I took when we were in Atlanta for Ely's birthday (a month ago.... why is it so hard for me to remember to get on here?!?!?).
Birthday Boy!!
Me and my biggest bro
All the kiddos
I don't think Blayne quite understands how this works
I'm actually pretty impressed (with myself) for this pic!!
Clearly this is something we need to work on
Mommy Bird (aka Natalie) sitting on The Egg (aka Blayne)
My crazy kid
Part 2 of my crazy kid
Sweet Hannah Rose
Me 'n Baby Caleb
Look at that kid!! Is he cute or what?!?!
And I must say, I'm pretty impressed with myself (again!) for devising this clever shot.This is his new smile. I don't think I'm a huge fan... but he still looks pretty cute I guess! Hanging with his cousins in the playhouse
These two look like trouble. Big trouble. It appears that Ely is teaching Blayne how to work that weapon!
So I'm issuing myself a little challenge here but I won't give details until I've completed it. That way, no one can hold me accountable if I don't. Heh heh....